Featured on Hasselblad and Broncolor’s Blog

Excited to be featured on Hasselblad and Broncolor’s blog.  I made up a little mix here that includes a screen shot from their home page as well as much of the blog post.  Head over to their site to see lots more stories.

HasslebladBron Blog

Story Credits for Creem Magazine:

Fashion Stylist: Lisa Jarvis
Model:  Ira S, Muse Models
Makeup: Yuko Takahashi for M.A.C Cosmetics & Swarovsky

Hair: Takashi Ashizawa

Make-up Asisstant Megumi Kashimura
Nails:  Eri Narita @Kanako Salon

Thanks and remember to check me out on your favorite social media sites; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr.